Another wonderful three-day weekend is upon us and that means one-thing for hardcore gamemakers: CONS!
or, in our case, this weekend: Kubla Con!
Often, several of us attend Southern California’s Strategicon conventions (also going on this weekend and awesome for players and designers), but this time some of the Central California crew is heading north.
For us, cons are very special events to play and explore new games, to promote our existing games, to test new designs on unsuspecting passersby, and most importantly, to network with fellow game makers. After all, many of us League members met originally at game conventions, over a few games and/or libations. The connections you can make at conventions are well worth the price of admission. We look forward to meeting you!
So if you’re at Kubla Con look for Peter Vaughan and What the Food?! – on the schedule and at the Impressions booth!
and Luke Laurie with his games Stones of Fate, Replicant, and the con debut of my worker placement game Drill, Baby, Drill!
and don’t forget to check out Christian Strain’s newly launched Kickstarter for Asking for Trobils!