Whether you made it to GenCon 2014 or virtually joined #GenCant2014 on twitter, this is one of the biggest cons of the year for many gamers. It was especially great for the League of Gamemakers as several of us were lucky enough able to make the trek and unite in one place!
league authors: [left] Jeff Cornelius [right back]: Mark Major, Christina Major, Peter Vaughan, [right front]: Kelsey Domeny, Michael Domeny, Luke Laurie, Tom Jolly.
There’s a ton of sites with pics, namely Gen Con’s own FB page is a great place to check. But here are our moments, and those of our friends – just a small taste of the best four days in gaming! Enjoy!
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The best part of Gen Con by far is the people! Whether you were dressed up in a salmon outfit, entirely in balloons or just hanging with new and old friends, this con welcomed you!
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It would be hard to show the sheer massiveness of Gen Con, but imagine games in every part of the city at all hours. And even if you try, you’ll only see a fraction of it.
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Games, games and more games. Let’s face it – what are we really there for at Gen Con? Here’s a closer look at just a few of the games to hit tabletops this year!
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Everything is bigger at Gen Con – and live events like The Amberden Affair or charity functions like DFW Nerd Night give you plenty of fun choices after the exhibit halls close.
That’s just a slice of the action (89 pics!) The official report is 56,614 attendees, and each one has stories to tell about what they saw, played and did at the Con! What did YOU do at Gen Con 2014? Tell us! Feel free to share a fun story in the comments, or you can even send us more pictures at [email protected] and we’ll keep adding them to the slideshows!
Photos courtesy of: John H. C. Staton, JR Honeycutt and DFW Nerd Night, Michael Nelson and Two Penny Games, Luke Laurie, Renee Rose-Perry and Atticus Gifford, Matt Holden and the Indie Game Alliance, Peter Vaughan and Squirmy Beast, Cosmic Wombat Games, Minion Games, @allisonr_91, Bill & Janice of Gut Bustin Games, Thomas Reddicks, and Game and a Curry.
Thank you!