Spread the word about the League, and give away games! This is a recap about our raffle, held in July. We were offering 11 different FREE tabletop games in 3 different bundles. Who won? What did we learn from the raffle, if anything?
Rafflecopter. Easy and simple to use. We debated asking for email signups, blood samples, rights to first born children and the like, but in the end we picked 5 categories:
- Facebook likes
- Twitter follows
- Suggest a blog topic
- Leave a blog comment
- Specifically tweet about raffle
To be honest, we started with 11 categories, got down to a solid 8 including BGG page ratings, some other questions, etc but Rafflecopter was limiting in what it could do. As it turns out, that was probably a good thing. Can you imagine verifying that a BGG rating had been done?
A side effect of only 5 simple entries was that then we had a single question or two, and yet a month long raffle. That’s pretty long without much engagement. We did what we could to change up the daily tweet to hopefully make it more bearable and keep the visuals changing. We appreciate everyone who stuck with it, and tweeted about it. You’ll see a small mid spike – that’s when we posted about the raffle on the front page. And then it drops off. Next time – 2 weeks!
The winner is Eric Cesare, one of our guest bloggers actually. He had already liked us on Facebook and was commenting very early on, so we know the games are going to a good home. He’s picked a copy of Evil Intent and Jupiter Rescue! Congrats Eric!
Here are the social media stats we had before and after the contest. It’s modest but FB increased 77%, almost double and Twitter was 355 new followers, about 47% increase. Not bad for one month’s work.
Granted, you might have already been here thanks to the solid content three days a week, am I right? We hope if you’re one of our new readers from the raffle, you’ll stay for more, and give us your feedback.
One of our most useful categories was the “Suggest a blog topic”, which was offered daily to earn 3 entries. We just wanted to share some of the awesome ideas we got from this, one of which Michael Domeny already spoke to last week in his post on adding flavor.
We were excited to see that some cross-referenced our existing topics like hiring an artist, prototype collections and our most recent post on sell sheets. We got so many great suggestions, thank you!
You can count on more from the League of Gamemakers. We’ll continue to dig into great topics and bring the games! Stay tuned for posts on Gaming/Playtesting, Designing, Mechanics, Kickstarter, Publishing, Technical Topics, Musings and special Feature pieces.
In the meantime, feel free to suggest any right here in the comments. See you at the conventions, cafes and game nights! Thanks for playing – game on!