Ok, you’ve read the tabletop tips and thanks. Now, just in time for holiday discounted shopping, it’s time for tops. The Leaguers were asked what 1-3 games that they LOVED in 2015, and recommend for an absolute must buy!
Jasmine: Castles of Mad King Ludwig.
Michael and Kelsey: Lanterns from Foxtrot Games – excited to see this little company rise to the top.
Norv: The game I pull out to play most often currently is Freedom, the Underground Railroad. I’ve played it solitaire, 2 players & 4 and have enjoyed it every time. I’ve only been a part of a winning experience twice, but it’s always enjoyable. BTW, it’s one game my wife will play.
Chris: I have 3… or more lol. First, Spyfall took me by surprise. Such a simple, but I never want to quit playing. Second, I hate to jump on the band wagon, but there’s a reason why there’s a band wagon, Blood Rage. The level of strategy is perfect. Third, new to me but been around for a long time, Concordia. It took me a long time to try this one because of how dry the art was to be honest, but I love it. It may be in my top 3 euro-styled games.
Luke: My top game for this year was Concordia. It’s just such a deep experience with such streamlined gameplay.
Teale: I really enjoyed Arboretum, which makes an excellent stocking stuffer.
Christina: 2015 was an AWESOME year for word games, which continue to be my not-so-secret weakness even though I’ve played a hundred other more strategic games. A friend introduced me to Paperback a few weeks ago, which combines my love of deck-building and spelling impressive words. Also much love for Letter Tycoon and Codenames.
Brad: The first game I played this year was a mini-marathon of Imperial Assault and its a crime that I haven’t gotten back to it.
Scott: Isle of Skye is ridiculously good–a brilliant combination of Carcassonne and Castles of Mad King Ludwig. I also really enjoyed Dominion Adventures, an ambitious expansion with many new ideas, and Gulo Gulo, an OOP children’s dexterity game that combines Pick Up Sticks and Candyland.
Jeff: I think the game that really blew me away in 2015 was Libertalia, such a simple mechanic but great (and really fun) gameplay.
Peter: My absolute must-buy game of 2015 is Between Two Cities. It plays up to 7 and it plays in 25 minutes. Those two axises of awesomeness cannot be overstated. Two other mentions – my party game of the year is Billionaire Banshee. This should absolutely be in your collection, for awkward but hilarious ice breakers. And for the game that goes with me to almost every game night now, perfect for many groups and situations – Asking for Trobils!
Seth: My biggest surprise this year was easily Rabbit Hunt. I intend to seek out a copy. Other than that, I’ve really been enjoying Gold West, I very much liked Isle of Skye and the two HABA big kids games, and I’m REALLY looking forward to receiving my copy of Bomb Squad any day now!
What about YOU? Name your pick(s) of 2015!