I can think of five moments in the last week I would like to blog about. Specifically things that would make fun topics here at the League of Gamemakers. A designer retreat in Texas with other publishers and designers, new artwork commissioned for several Breaking Games titles, the modeling of 3D pieces for a new game, visiting the production facilities at Print & Play, hearing Eric Lang and Mike Selinker speak today at PAX Dev! And that’s just the beginning. I have tons of blog topics.
The problem is, where does one find the time to be a gamemaker and a blogger? It’s something I’ve struggled with since taking a larger development role at Breaking Games. I thought it was just me, but actually the entire League is having adventures that take us all away from blogging. And that’s great – I’m excited for us. I’m excited for this hobby. And our 400+ posts serve as a really great tribute of love to the golden age of boardgames and will stand to prove out our motto, ‘The Best Games Are Yet to be Made”. Except, now if you’ll forgive us – we’re a bit busy making them. 🙂
We’re going to start a new plan at the League blog, and move to just one planned original post a week, likely on Mondays. We may find ourselves with more to say in any given week, or find the time to re-release old posts, either as is or with updates to the topics. We encourage everyone to look up the wealth of articles in the archives, and perhaps we’ll find the time to make better anthologies of posts on given topics for easy reference. We’ll still be here on Facebook and Twitter, engaged in the gamemaking community. We’re still here for you!
I want to take a moment to thank our generous contributors to this blog. We have had articles from 17 league authors and 5 guest posters so far in 2016. What a great assortment of viewpoints!
To Scott Caputo, Eduardo Baraf, Luke Laurie, Norv Brooks, Jeff Cornelius, Teale Fristoe, Jasmine Butler-Davis, JR Honeycutt, Brad Brooks, Pete Butler-Davis, Tom Jolly, Michael Domeny, Seth Jaffee, Mark Major, Chris Strain, Christina Major, Brian Merlonghi, Beth Sobel, Ta-Te Wu, Jeff Siadek, and Michael Hill: THANK YOU. To all our Leaguers and contributors in previous years, thank you too – the best posts have yet to be made, but they will be inspired from yours.
And that’s it. Oh, one thing that I could use from you dear reader, if you have a moment. Please leave a comment with some story about how you met one of us, or about a post that you have enjoyed, or an idea you have for one yet still to write. Or about a game you think everyone should play – something. Anything to indicate that you are here and reading. We would LOVE to hear from you. We are here as your friends, colleagues, and fellow gamemakers. Thanks for reading!