- Will the League of Gamemakers be involved?
- Where will they be?
- Will I get a chance to see any of them?
- I think I saw Waldo over there but no sign of the League yet!
Well, you can now rest easy. Recent intel has been declassified and the whereabouts of the League are starting to come in to focus. It looks as if 9 members of the League will be descending on Indianapolis, IN during the week of 11 August.
Their Mission: To demo and play as many games as they possibly can, to get absolutely no sleep, to interact with all their fans, and to give out great swag and prizes.
We have lots of great events going on with the League. There are Gen Con pre-parties to attend. There is a live role playing event of one of our games. There are demos of new prototypes never before seen by the public. There have even been reports of a 6-ft Wombat.

We (or our games) can be found primarily around Booths 565, 1201, 1645, and 2935. We will also be in the event hall playing games, attending designer lunches, sitting on panels, and participating in special events like publisher speed dating and nerd night for charity.
Below is the schedule of where we (or our games) will be. Click on any event to bring up details on that event. You can even add this events to your calendar by clicking the “copy to my calendar” link at the bottom right of the pop-up.
Click here to see a larger version in a new window. Or click on the individual names below to see the individual schedules for each member. (note on the schedule: Listed times for game events are the times when our games will be played. This is not meant to say that the designer will be at each of these games)
We are at booth 2935! Please come by and say Hi.
We are debuting two new games at Gen Con this year – Ascendant, a tableau building, drafting style of game where you try to recruit allies to help you take over the empire; and Grow Garden Grow, a family dice game in the style of King of Tokyo. Roll dice and get certain combinations to grow plants in your garden and become the envy of all your neighbors.
We also will have demos of our recent successful Kickstarter, Stones of Fate; and our next Kickstarter project, Campaign Trail.
Squirmy Beast can be found in booth #565, at the event tables and in the library.
What the Food?! – with over 16 events and 16 players per event, there’s plenty of chances to join an epic food fight with the designer! Peter will be in the booth every day at 1pm and ALL SUNDAY – and he’s got your WTF promo loot! Two Penny Games will also be helping sell What the Food?! (look for the league pins).
Letter Tycoon – Designed by Leaguer Brad Brooks and set to be published from Squirmy Beast Games, this family friendly word building game for 2-5 players will be demoing at Gen Con. Make words and buy letters – earning royalties every time your letters are used! Come by the Gen Con library (Thurs 2-4pm, Fri 7-9pm and Sun 8-10am) for a sneak peak!
BASKET ‘O GAMES! – Enter one of the biggest free board game raffle opportunities at the con, in the AdMagic Booth, #565. This is a huge prize drawing of indie games. Plus, if you mention the AdMagic ad (from the Gen Con FB page), you can get a free t-shirt or hat while supplies last!
Michael and Kelsey Domeny and Drake Philyaw will be busy with the debut and release of their first game, The Amberden Affair. They have a number of events lined up in the event hall. Also, they will be doing a very unique event thanks to their recently successful Kickstarter campaign. They are offering people the chance to play The Amberden Affair Live! I think this will be a really fun event and the highlight of Gen Con for many people.
Kelsey will also be sitting on the panel for the Perspectives on Making Your First Game talk. If you are curious what it takes to make a game or what the whole process is like, be sure to go hear Kelsey and two other League members (see below) as they give you the inside scoop.

Mark and Christina Major recently saw their game Jupiter Rescue picked up by a publisher. They are a publisher speed dating success story. After demoing it to a number of publishers at last year’s Gen Con it was picked up by Twilight Creations and is now available for sale here at this Gen Con. There will also be events of the game scheduled in the event hall.
Mark is also an award winning designer on The Gamecrafter and will be spending some time in The Gamecrafter booth demoing his games Sinister and Zerpang.
And as if their schedule wasn’t busy enough, Mark and Christina will also be sitting on the panel for the Perspectives on Making Your First Game talk giving their insights into what it takes to make a game.

Two of our best designers have teamed up to bring you a euro style, worker placement game about energy production and environmental consciousness. It’s called Drill, Baby, Drill and they will be demoing it to prospective publishers at the publisher speed dating event. Tom will also be demoing another of his designs, Gerrymander, on another night of the speed dating event.
In addition, they both have successfully published games that will be played in the event hall. Luke with Stones of Fate and Tom with Wiz War. If you’re lucky you just might get a chance to play one of their games with them.

Well, that is all the intel that has been declassified. If there is anything else going on I can’t tell you or I’d have to kill you. So, I’ll refrain from that. Let us know in the comments where you will be. What do you have planned? Is there any cool events we are missing out on? We definitely want to be there so let us know. And be sure to come see us, we have official League of Gamemakers buttons to give away. They will be the go-to accessory for the convention. You don’t want to miss out.
We are looking forward to Gen Con and hope to see many of you there. Until then,