In our previous post, Jasmine gave you some ideas on how to create your very own #GenCant experience. But what about you lucky ones who will actually be at Gen Con? How can you maximize your League of Gamemaker experience? Well, thankfully I am here to help you with that.
This year promises to be even bigger and bolder than last year with GIANT versions of our games (well one at least), a huge charity event, more live role playing, and a brand new release hot off the presses. And, debuting this year, we have our very own League ribbon!

Be sure to stop by one of our booths (given below) or find one of us out and about and pick one up. We would love to see you showing your support for the League!
We (or our games) can be found primarily around Booths 359, 461, 2139, and 2333. We will also be in the event hall playing games, attending designer lunches, sitting on panels, and participating in the Nerd Night for Charity.
We will also have a number of events going on in the event hall. You can check out this great site for all things Gen Con events. This will let you search by host, game system, title, or whatever else you can think to search on. I have pulled up a few of our events for you to save you the trouble. See below to find out where your favorite League games will be played.
We will be selling our first published game, Stones of Fate, in our booth. Also, we will be showing off our upcoming Kickstarter (starts September 16), Campaign Trail. We have even created a giant version for you to come check out.
We have over 100 events of various games going on. I’m sure you can find what you are looking for with our games.Click below to find our event times.
Squirmy Beast in partnership with Breaking Games has early copies of a new game – debuting at Gen Con with early copies ahead of an Spiel Essen worldwide release – Boomtown Bandits! Quantities are limited so be sure you get yours as soon as you can.
In addition to Boomtown Bandits, Letter Tycoon is also a very new release, having sold out at Origins. We’ve restocked and Gen Con hosts a National Tournament. Prizes for everyone who plays, plus tons of loot along the way if you spell your cards right. Oh, and there’s a great gift at the booth!
The designer of Letter Tycoon will join the tournaments and demos on Saturday. You can also find him in an interview with The Spiel podcast Friday at 3:30pm and is showing Letter Tycoon at BoardGameGeek’s live feed, Saturday at 5:30pm.
If you’d like to try out any of these titles or perhaps participate in the Letter Tycoon tournament, you can check out the Squirmy Beast event times below:
Luke demoing his new game (co-designed by Tom Jolly), Manhattan Project: Energy Empire in anticipation of the Kickstarter starting this fall.
Once again, JR is hosting the Nerd Night for Charity. This will be Thursday night at 8:00pm in the Union Station Grand Hall. We are encouraging everyone to show up. This is our informal designers meetup for Gen Con. Many members of the League will be there. Come on out and meet us and play some games. JR is also giving a seminar on playing games for charity called “Play Games and Help People”. You can find the details by clicking on the link.
JR can also be found at the Level 99 Games booth acting as Community Manager or demoing his game, Twirk, at the AdMagic/Breaking Games booth. For other event times for Twirk see below:
Mark and Christina will be at the Gamecrafter Community Game Night. Other than that, they can be found out enjoying the con. They aren’t formally demoing any games this year, but their game that was released last year, Jupiter Rescue, has some events that will be run by Twilight Creations which you can see below:
Seth reports that he’s got a packed developer schedule, meeting with designers and at the Minion Games Designer/Publisher Speed Dating event. He’ll be at the booth at various times. If you don’t catch him, you can catch the latest TMG titles, mentioned above on the map!
Jasmine is our #1 league play tester in the field this con since she’s not pushing any scheduled events or design releases (just yet – still a week to go Jasmine!). You can most likely catch Jasmine in the First Exposure Playtest Hall (FEPH), and Games on Demand – join her in checking out the latest new games.
Speaking of FEPH, if you’re there look for Succession from Cosmic Wombat Games if you haven’t caught one of their events.
Mike and Kelsey Domeny are once again running their live event, The Amberden Affair Live. This is an event not to be missed. Last year, many of the League members participated and had the time of their lives. Rumor has it Peter and JR are going back again.
In addition there will be a few events of the desktop version to take part in as well.
That wraps it up for Leaguers who will be at Gen Con. As you can see, we will be very busy, but we still want to meet you. So come by say “Hi” and play a few of our games. We are excited to meet many of you in person!