This year’s Gen Con promises to be a lot of fun yet again. Our very own JR Honeycut is once again hosting the Nerd Night for Charity, Breaking Games will have live game shows and designer signings at their booth, you will have a chance to challenge the Cosmic Wombat Games design team to see if you can beat them at Campaign Trail, and many of us will be debuting new games that you can get at Gen Con first!
Be sure to stop by one of our booths (given below) or find one of us out and about to say Hi and let us know what games you’ve been making.
We (or our games) can be found primarily around Booths 259, 364, 1257, and 1749. We will also be in the event hall playing games, attending designer lunches, sitting on panels, and participating in the First Exposure Playtest Hall.
We have a number of events going on in the event hall. You can check out this great site for all things Gen Con events. This will let you search by host, game system, title, or whatever else you can think to search on. I have pulled up a few of our events for you to save you the trouble. See below to find out where your favorite League games will be played.
While we will not have a booth this year, we still have a lot going on. Look for us at Cosmic Wombat Games HQ (Hall E, white tables 1-7). We have several play to win events featuring an upcoming title Expedite as well as our Challenge the Designer events in which you can win gift cards if you can beat us at Campaign Trail. We will also be demoing new games that will be released in the coming years.
We have over 100 events of various games going on. I’m sure you can find what you are looking for with our games.Click below to find our event times.
Breaking Games (booth #1749) has a few game release highlights at Gen Con 2016:
- 4 The Birds – NEW, fun family game, abstract strategy with cute bird pawns!
- Pocket Dungeon Quest and expansion Don’t Go Alone – RELEASING “Don’t Go Alone”
- MoonQuake Escape – BREAKING AT GEN CON – only 100 copies, ahead of fall release.
In addition, Breaking Games is proud to be the publisher for many League titles. In addition to Letter Tycoon and Boomtown Bandits making their return to the con, Chris Strain, Mark Major and Christina Major and JR Honeycutt will all be at the con participating in a Breaking Games event or two (see their sections for more info).
Peter will be in a few places at Gen Con, besides the booth: The Breaking Games HQ table (Hall D), Publisher Speed Dating events and the First Exposure Play Test Hall (FEPH). Be sure to say hello! At FEPH, Peter will host Rise of Tribes, a new game from Brad Brooks – Thurs at 2pm and Saturday at 8am, come check it out. Also, Peter will have on hand a prototype of a new Teale Fristoe game, Trellis. Ask for a late night demo anytime!
Finally, Some key events you don’t want to miss from Breaking Games.
- Designer Signings – Thurs@4pm, Fri@11am, Sun@10am
- LIVE Game Shows – Fri@2pm, Sat@1pm
- Talk with a Game Designer Podcast – Fri@5pm, Sat@5pm, Sun@12pm – Guests include Matt Leacock (Fri), Jon Gilmour (Sat), and Peter Adkison, owner of Gen Con with leaguer JR Honeycutt on Sunday
- Artist Signings – Sat@11am – Mac Schubert will sign Letter Tycoon, Cyanide & Happiness will be there and leaguer Chris Strain!
- KLASK Tournament! – Get in free events all con long, then qualify at 1pm or 5pm daily, and play in the final tournament on Saturday, winner is US Champion and wins a trip to Denmark to compete in the World finals in 2017!
While Luke will not be at Gen Con, Minion Games will be running events of his game, Manhattan Project: Energy Empire (co-designed by Tom Jolly) throughout the weekend.
Once again, JR is hosting the Nerd Night for Charity. This will be Thursday night at 6:00pm in the Union Station Grand Hall. We are encouraging everyone to show up. This is our informal designers meetup for Gen Con. Many members of the League will be there. Come on out and meet us and play some games.
JR can also be found at the Artana booth acting as Community Manager.
Catch JR on a podcast in the Breaking Games booth (#1749) on Sunday at noon.
Eduardo will be spending most of his time in the First Exposure Playtest Hall. He will have two games he is playtesting there, Herbaceous and Fantastic Creatures.
- Herbaceous – Fri@4pm, Sat@12pm
- Fantastic Creatures – Fri@2pm, Sat@10am
Seth reports that he’s got a packed developer schedule, meeting with designers and at the Minion Games Publisher Speed Dating event. He’ll be at the booth at various times. If you don’t catch him, you can catch the latest TMG titles, mentioned above on the map!
Mark and Christina will be around the con in various places, but two key Gen Con notes – ask TMG above about one of their latest games, Chimera Station, about to launch on Kickstarter, and you can find Mark hosting two playtests of his game Terraform (name TBD) in the First Exposure Playtest Hall Friday and Sunday noon-2pm.
Chris Strain and his partner in crime Erin McDonald are coming to Gen Con to support the now three game titles they have signed with Breaking Games. Chris, a designer and illustrator in the game industry, has his latest game art featured at Cosmic Wombat HQ in Campaign Trail!
In the afternoons at the Breaking Games booth, be sure to catch a demo of Chris’s Flippin’ Monsters, a new set collection and memory card game about monsters who love candy and socks. Chris will also have an early prototype of Zosimos, another upcoming Breaking Games title. If you ask him what the third, awesome title that he’s collaborating with Breaking Games on, I’m sure he’ll tell you – it’s no trobil at all! 😉
That wraps it up for Leaguers who will be at Gen Con. As you can see, we will be very busy, but we still want to meet you. So come by say “Hi” and play a few of our games. We are excited to meet many of you in person!